There are currently a few different ways to pick up some lovely pictures from me (depending on what you are after). If you don't see something you fancy - please drop me a line via the contact page and I can try and accommodate any requests. Otherwise - have a noodle around via the links below...

Originals and Signed Prints...
I currently sell this kind of material through my UK Etsy store. There's usually a nice selection of pieces, with prices to suit most pockets. I don't always post everything I make, so if you are after an original or print of an image you know I have made (and it's not there), contact me with the deets and I'll get you a price quote.
Prints, T-Shirts and Merch...
Redbubble are AMAZING. From straight forward, large format Art Prints, to T-Shirts and Covid Masks.. you can have some excellent products shipped to you with super cool images on them.. Click the link to see my store.

Whether you are a hard bitten, seasoned art editor.. or an adventurous private collector looking for that special (just off the beaten track) something, drop me a line for a quote. Spooky illustrations and quirky portraits a speciality. I am nice and friendly :)